Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Rwanda Sets World Record for Women in Parliament

Mother and child, Rwanda. © Heidi Martin

Since the 1994 genocide, Rwandan women have gained almost equal representation in the national legislature's lower chamber and have used this newfound leverage to make "remarkable contributions to rebuild their society," says a three-year project by the Initiative for Inclusive Security. In particular, Rwandan women leaders "drafted the only substantive bill to emerge from the legislative rather than the executive branch, a far-reaching law to combat gender-based violence; spearheaded efforts to eliminate discrimination and enhance human rights protections; and fostered cross-party and male-female collaboration through the Forum of Rwandan Women Parliamentarians and by involving men in efforts to craft legislation."
Despite human and civil rights advances since the genocide, President Paul Kagame's drive to wipe out ethnic tension has led him to infringe on the rights of civil society, religious and human rights groups, media outlets, and political parties, says OneWorld UK in its Rwanda country guide.

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